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8 Practical Methods for Developing Reading Habits

how to build a reading habit

Imagine a world where stress melts away like snow in springtime, where every page turned adds another day to your life. This world is not a fantasy but a reality for those who embrace the transformative power of reading.

If you are curious about how to build a reading habit, then let me tell you that reading habit is not just about flipping pages; it’s a journey of self-discovery, enlightenment, and joy.

In this article, we explore what it means to develop a reading habit and how you can embark on this enriching adventure.

What is a Reading Habit?

Like many other best habits that one develops, a reading habit is the routine of reading books or engaging with any written content for various purposes like enhancing knowledge, self-growth, or pleasure.

For example, reading the best books on habits is one of the good reading habits of students. These books can help them in their self-growth.

How to Build a Reading Habit?

Like any habit that requires a cue, routine, and reward, the reading habit is no different. Various methods can lead you to develop a reading habit that will last a lifetime.

methods to build a reading habit

1.    Set SMART Goals

SMART goals are goals characterized by being specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Therefore, when striving to develop any habit, it should be measured against these SMART criteria.

Setting SMART goals will help develop reading habits. Specify the number of books you intend to read in the next few months.

Track your progress by maintaining a log or journal where you regularly update your reading accomplishments.

Furthermore, set a target that is realistic and achievable, such as reading 2 books per month as a beginner.

Also, ensure that the books you aim to read align with your objectives. For example, if you aim to grow personally, your genre should be ‘self-growth’ or ‘self-help’ books.

Set a feasible timeframe in which you can finish a book, such as aiming to complete 20 books by the end of the year. And if you are wondering how long you should read a day, then 30 minutes before bedtime is enough.

2.    Digital Detox

In today’s fast-paced digital age, it’s crucial to step away from screens. If you really want to build a reading habit, then reduce screen time.

Constant exposure to negativity and artificial realities makes a digital detox essential. Allocate some time away from screens specifically for reading.

Dedicate about 30 minutes to an hour before bedtime to read an inspirational book that enhances your positivity and personal growth.

You can also learn how many days it takes to break habits like the habit of using phones and the internet.

3.    Make a Reading Journal

Making a reading journal can help you develop a reading habit. If you enjoy noting down details in your journal, consider starting a reading journal. Set a goal for how many books you aim to read by the year’s end.

Each month, update your journal by recording your favorite quotes and evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the novels you’ve read. This practice can help you reflect on your reading habits and deepen your engagement with the books you encounter.

A reading journal provides ongoing motivation and encouragement to maintain regular updates. Additionally, it aids in holding yourself accountable for your reading goals, ultimately fostering a consistent reading habit.

You can also track your reading habits with the notion.

4.    Annotate and Highlight

To make your reading experience more enjoyable, consider using colorful markers or highlighters. Use different colors to highlight quotes from different characters or to mark important passages. These will help you to build a reading habit.

Sticky notes can be used to note down key points or thoughts that you find interesting or that you want to remember. Placing these notes at the top of the page can make them easier to find later.

Additionally, you can add annotations to the text with fun doodles or drawings, adding a creative element to your reading practice. These techniques help you engage more deeply with the material and make reading a more interactive and enjoyable habit.

5.    Create a Comfortable Reading Space

Creating a welcoming environment can significantly enhance your reading experience. Before you start reading, consider turning on warm fairy lights near your bedside table to add a cozy and inviting atmosphere to your space.

Additionally, lighting a scented candle can further enhance the ambiance, making your reading time more enjoyable and relaxing. These small but meaningful additions can help you develop a reading habit by creating a reading space that feels comfortable and conducive to diving into a good book.

With time, your brain may start associating your reading space with enjoyment and relaxation, prompting 2you to read a book every time you make the environment cozy.

6.    Try Different Genres

Do you know? Consistency is crucial for developing any habit, including reading. It’s natural to feel bored or unmotivated at times, but you can keep your reading habit engaging by switching to different genres.

Experiment with science fiction, romance, adventure, psychological thrillers, or self-help books, depending on your mood and preferences. This variety can keep you motivated and excited about your reading journey, ensuring that your habit remains enjoyable and sustainable.

7.    Try Different Mediums

Living in a digital era offers numerous opportunities to enhance your reading habits using technology. If reading physical books isn’t your preference, you can explore audiobooks.

Audiobooks are not only enjoyable but also convenient, as you can listen to them while engaging in other activities like working or driving, making the most of your time.

Moreover, the internet provides access to a vast array of e-books in digital format. This accessibility allows you to choose from a wide range of genres and authors, and you can carry an entire library with you on a single device.

Whether you’re commuting, traveling, or simply relaxing at home, e-books offer a convenient and portable way to enjoy reading. In modern times, reading e-books is an easy reading habit for students to develop.

8.    Track Your Progress

Building a habit becomes more efficient when you actively track your progress. Besides using a reading journal, having an accountability partner can help. You can check in with each other regularly to stay motivated and on track.

If you’re wondering, “How many pages should I read in a day?” consider starting with a manageable goal of 5 to 10 pages per day. As you become more comfortable with this routine, gradually increase the number of pages you read each day to reach the intensive reading stage.

This approach allows you to build a reading habit at a pace that feels achievable and sustainable for you.

Additionally, there are certain apps and websites that are used to track your reading, like the Goodreads app. It allows you to keep a record of the books you’ve read and want to read. The Goodreads Reading Challenge is also a useful feature, providing tracking tools and helping you set and achieve your reading goals.

What are the Benefits of Reading?

After learning how to build a reading habit, you should know some benefits of reading. These are:

  • A study conducted by the University of Sussex in 2009 found that regular reading can reduce stress levels by as much as 68%.
  • Reading can help in mental stimulation, which may be the key factor contributing to increased longevity in life. In an intriguing study published in Social Science & Medicine, researchers discovered that reading can lead to a longer life. When studying a group of elderly individuals, researchers found that readers, on average, lived an additional 2 years. This finding held regardless of gender, wealth, or education.
  • Reading serves as a powerful tool for spreading awareness and enhancing our understanding of social and cultural issues. It exposes us to diverse perspectives and experiences, helping to cultivate tolerance and acceptance.
  • By delving into different cultures, histories, and viewpoints, reading enables us to become more empathetic and open-minded individuals, better equipped to navigate and contribute positively to an increasingly interconnected world.
  • Reading helps me to fall asleep earlier at night and works as a melatonin.

How to Overcome Reading Challenges?

Overcoming reading challenges is necessary to build a reading habit. A reading slump is a face an individual enters when they are unable to get to reading and have trouble finishing books. But it can be overcome by re-reading your favorite book since you can never get enough of it.

Furthermore, consider taking a brief break from reading until you are more inclined to pick up a book again. This approach often helps me regain my reading motivation. Remember to be gentle with yourself during this time.

A fun way to overcome any challenge is to reward yourself for the baby steps. Share with your peers about your reading milestones and newly developed interest to keep you going. Similarly, always keeping a book with yourself helps to overcome reading challenges.


As you embark on your reading journey, remember that building a reading habit is not just about finishing books; it’s about enriching your life. Each page turned is a step closer to a more knowledgeable, empathetic, and fulfilled version of yourself. So, set your goals, create your reading nook, and dive into the world of words. The benefits are endless, and the journey is yours to enjoy. Happy reading!

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