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5 Best Ways to Stop Lip Pursing Habit

how to stop habit of pursing lips

Do you press your lips together tightly? While pursing together, you might have experienced dry and cracked lips. This is all due to stress and anxious decisions. This habit of lip pursing is also a sign of displeasure, doubt, or disapproval.

How can you stop lip pursing habit? This is an important issue that many need to realize. As an active and normal being, you should stop this unwanted behavior.

First, know the common causes of lip pursing and then apply one of the five ways to stop it. Physical activities and awareness of nocturnal habits can help you eliminate this habit.

What is meant by Pursing Lips?

Lip pursing is a gesture in which the lips are pressed together tightly, forming a small, thin line. Depending on the intensity and context, this action can be subtle or quite noticeable.

Pursed lips are a facial expression that shows disapproval or doubt. A person brings lips together while pursing lips, pressing them tightly and forming a round shape. It is also a sign of anxiety, anger, and frustration or when a person is struggling to determine what to say.

Lip pursing, sometimes called pressing lips together anxiety, occurs unconsciously due to emotional tension or stress.

Common Causes of Lip Pursing

Before understanding the practical ways to stop the habit of perusing lips, knowing several reasons for this is essential, these are;

Emotional Response

Pursed lips show disapproval or doubt. When people are unhappy or they don’t feel comfortable, they start lip pursing. It also shows the intensity of concentration. How much a person is involved in a task.

Deep thinking is another cause of pressing lips together. While imagining or thinking about something, you may press your lips together.

Physical Conditions

Your physical condition is also a cause of lip pursing. For example, dry lips require moisturizer. It may also be a habit of someone. When it becomes a habit, you can pursue lips for no reason.

Moreover, cold weather is also a common cause of lip pursing. The cold can make the skin on the lips more sensitive. In response to the chill, people might subconsciously purse their lips to protect them from the cold air.

Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety cause various bad habits, such as forgetting, which hampers the brain’s stored memory and information. Pursuing lips is a way to release stress. The passage mentions frustration and anxiety and how people cope with them.

To Express Emotions

People pursue their lips as a sign to disclose their emotions and feelings in a particular social or professional setting. Sometimes, you also pursue your lips in professional settings because you cannot express emotions.

Making Decisions

My friend Jack always purses his lips while making any decision. This shows his confusion and his final solution to any problem.

5 Ways to Stop the Habit of Pursing Lips

Lip pursing is a bad habit, so you should try to stop it. If you want to maintain a healthy and smart-looking persona, always focus on developing healthy habits, like the best healthy habits for men, and leaving bad ones, such as lip pursing.

5 practical ways to stop the habit of pursing lips include:

5 ways to stop habit of pursing lips

1.      Identify the Reason

First of all, you should know why you have pursed your lips. Identify the reason behind this habit. Know when and where you often purse your lips.

If you think this is a problem, make a note and identify when you do it. This will act as a reminder and a way to determine whether it is stress-related or health-related.

Get the complete picture of this habit. Note the time for pursuing, identify if it is during work, and do you pursue lips after eating? Write down everything related to pursuing a habit and then work to stop it.

After getting information, you can try many remedies such as Yoga, meditation, physical exercise, and much more to stop this habit.

2.      Be Aware of Your Nocturnal Habits

Lip pursing is most often seen in people when they are sleeping. Before bed, identify your nighttime behaviors and habits.

Lip pursing arises due to stress-related behaviors and disturbed sleep patterns. Look for your sleep environment and make it more comfortable to stop the habit of pursing your lips.

Practical Tips to Prevent Lip Pursing During Sleep

  • Mouth Guards: During sleep, a mouth guard can help reduce lip pursing by preventing the lips from pressing together too tightly. Custom-fitted mouthguards from a dentist are more comfortable and practical than over-the-counter options.
  • Positioning: Your sleeping position can influence lip pursing. Try to sleep on your back rather than your side or stomach. This position reduces the chance of pressing your lips together and may help prevent unwanted movements during sleep.
  • Use of Pillows: Consider using pillows to support proper head and neck alignment. A supportive pillow that keeps your head in a neutral position may reduce the tendency to pursue your lips.

3.      Substitute it with Another Habit

Lip pursing is often an unconscious response to stress, anxiety, cold, or dryness. To stop the habit of pursing lips, you must replace this habitual action with a less noticeable or more constructive behavior that fulfills a similar need.

Imagine you’re in a meeting and start to feel anxious. Your usual response is to purse your lips tightly, which could make you appear tense or uncomfortable. Instead, when you feel that familiar urge, consciously choose to press your lips together softly.

  • Before: When you feel anxious, you purse your lips tightly, which might cause discomfort or dryness over time.
  • After: You notice the urge to purse your lips, but instead, you softly press them together. This small action feels more neutral, doesn’t strain your lips, and helps you maintain a calm appearance.

I tried another exciting strategy. While pursing my lips, I remind myself to try a distractor. I try hard candy or chewing gum. It is the best idea to stop pursing lips.

4.      Use an Emollient Lip Balm

Emollient lip balm is helpful for dry lips. An emollient is a moisturizing treatment that keeps your skin hydrated and prevents it from drying out. If your lips are dry or severely chapped, chapstick alone might not heal them.

Look for a product with one of the following emollients as its main ingredient: Shea butter, cocoa butter, jojoba oil, avocado oil, rosehip oil, and coconut butter. After exfoliating, lips should always be moisturized.

5.      Physical Exercise

Staying physically active is essential for overall health. Regular exercise is necessary to reduce stress and stop lip pursing habits. Physical activities like sports help relieve stress and overcome anxiety. During games and muscular activities, your brain cells are active, which helps in relaxation.

Regular muscular activity helps maintain body weight and structure and boosts mood. Exercise is vital for healthy living and fitness during teenage. Limit screen time and join sports teams and friends to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. This can help you stop pursing your lips.

Why Are My Lips Wrinkly at a Young Age?

Lip wrinkles are a sign of aging. They are more common in elders than in younger ones. There are many reasons for lip wrinkles at a young age, but exposure to UV rays and smoking are the most common. Prominent reasons for wrinkly lips at a young age are:


Aging is a natural source of lip wrinkles. Lip lines appear as we age, and we tend to pursue our lips. The volume of the lips decreases with age, causing wrinkles.


Smoking has various adverse effects on the body at a young age, especially on the skin. One of those effects is wrinkly lips. The most common side effect of tobacco is scattered lip wrinkles that cause lip purses.

Sun Damage

Harmful rays from the sun cause wrinkles on and around your lips. These rays cause signs of premature wrinkles on the lips. A lip balm can protect your lips from such effects.

Additionally, repeated movements of the mouth and lips cause the muscles around the lips to contribute to lip wrinkles.

How Do You Stop Lip Wrinkling?

The best way to stop lip wrinkles is to consult a medical professional, specifically a dermatologist. Also, like uncovering your buyer persona reading habits, identifying the reasons is essential to diagnose it. However, some common ideas and upper lip wrinkles at-home remedies include:

  • Drink more water to keep your lips hydrated
  • Use moisturizer to prevent lip cracking and dryness.
  • Avoid smoking as the chemicals used in smoke increases the risk of lip wrinkles.
  • Eat a balanced diet with vitamins, minerals, and other necessary antioxidants to maintain healthy skin and lips.
  • Start some facial exercises to activate facial muscles. Exercise helps you look smart and keep your face and lips vibrant.
  • Use anti-aging products to improve skin texture and elasticity.


In conclusion, lip pursing is a common yet often overlooked habit that can lead to various physical and emotional challenges, including dry lips, wrinkles, and expressions of anxiety or stress. You can effectively reduce and eventually stop this habit by understanding the causes and implementing practical strategies—such as identifying triggers, improving nocturnal habits, using protective products, and staying physically active.

Addressing lip pursing enhances your physical appearance and contributes to your overall well-being, helping you maintain a more relaxed and confident demeanor.


Is lip Pursing Harmful?

While lip pursing itself isn’t inherently harmful, it can lead to dry, cracked lips and the development of wrinkles over time. Additionally, it may be a sign of underlying emotional stress or anxiety.

Why Do I Purse My Lips while Sleeping?

Lip pursing during sleep is often related to stress or anxiety and may occur unconsciously. Your sleep position or habits can also influence it. Addressing stress before bedtime and using mouthguards or proper pillows can help reduce this behavior.

Is it normal to have wrinkly lips at a young age?

Wrinkly lips at a young age can be caused by sun damage, smoking, dehydration, or habitual lip pursing. While it’s more familiar with aging, addressing these factors can help prevent and reduce wrinkles.

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